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Rules & Regulations

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Rules &  Regulations

  1. Students should arrive at the school at least five minutes before assembly.
  2. Student who is not properly dressed in the school uniform will be excluded from the class room.
  3. Private tuition is strongly discouraged by the school authorities.
  4. Irregular attendance, habitual illness, disobedience, lack of natural co-operational and conduct injurious to the normal tone of the school are reasons for dismissal of a student.
  5. Parents are earnestly requested to enforce regularity & discipline and to see that their children prepare their lessons.
  6. When school is in session, parents should not visit the classes or teachers without the permission of the principal.
  7. Student must speak in English as long as they are in the school campus.
  8. For a transfer certificate, the candidate has to submit an application addressed to the principal at least three days prior. The school fees and other dues ( if any) will be collected up to the month of issuing T.C.
  9. 80% attendance is required to get promotion for a pupil against the total number of schooling days in a year. Principal’s decision will be final in this regard.
  10. 40% is required to pass subject wise as well as to get promotion I Final examination.
  11. Re-exam will not be conducted without any special circumstances or on medical ground & S.A 1 & S.A 2 exam will not be conducted further in any ground.

To Parents

  1. Parents have to submit two photographs of the ward, one photograph of parents or local guardian at the time of admission.
  2. Please look into your ward’s school diary daily and see that the assigned home work as done regularly.
  3. Please see and countersign the remarks made in the school diary regularly.
  4. Should you feel or notice that your ward is not making the desired progress, kindly see the principal. You are always welcome to the school to assure the progress of your ward.
  5. You may contact the subject and class teachers personally In the staff room during given timing. Please don’t disturb the class by visiting the classroom.
  6. Please always send a leave application In respect of your ward addressed to the principal through class teacher prior to the absence of your ward duly attested by you.
  7. You are earnestly asked to see that your ward comes in the ideals of punctuality, cleanliness, courtesy and gentle manliness which are proposed to the children during school hours.
  8. Don’t send your ward to the school when they are having any infectious disease.
  9. Please ensure that your ward is escorted safely to school and back home.
  10. Please try to avoid private tuition as much as possible.
  11. Please encourage your ward to speak English at home.
  12. Please note that a pupil who fails to secure promotion may be asked to leave the school.


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