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Parents Guidelines

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Parents Guidelines

  1. The parents /guardians are expected to co-operate with The school by enforcing regularity and discipline and by showing a keen interest in their children’s progress. They should see the dairy regularly, take note of the remark(s); and visit the school time – to – time.
  2. They should fill to make any suggestions for the better me of the school for that, they may come personally or send a note.
  3. Both father and mother should attend the parent-teacher meeting organized by the school from time –to – time.
  4. The parents/guardians are not accepted to enter the classroom.
  5. They are not accepted to meet the teacher during the school hours or during the recess or, in an urgent case, by appointment thought the principle.
  6. They may see the principle on working days between 10:30am and 12:30 p.m.
  7. Please look into your wards dairy daily and see that the assigned homework is done regularly.
  8. Please see and countersign the remarks made in the school diary regularly.
  9. Do not send your word to school when they are having any infections disease.
  10. 80% attendance is required to get promotion for a pupil against the total number of working days in a year. Principle’s decision in this regard will be final.
  11. 40% of total marks is required to get promotion in final examination (in aggregate) and students must have to appear in all unit test to get promotion.
  12. Remember to pay the school fees within 20thof each months after which a fine of rs.20/- will be charged.
  13. Monthely fee for May and February + March will be collected in the month of May and February respectively.
  14. Re-admission fee of rs.100/-will be charged if the two months tuition fee are not deposited on the due date.
  15. Leave to a student for absence is granted only on an application addressed to the principle through the class teacher duly attested by the parents.
  16. In case of long illness a medical certificate is must be attached with application .Long absence except in case of illness is discouraged.
  17. The school accepts your kind co-operation for the development for your ward will be appreciated.
  18. Please send your children to school in properly uniform and in time. Students, who are not properly dressed in the school uniform, will be excluded from the class room.
  19. A students will not be permitted to appear in the final examination if He /She does not put 80% attendance in the extracurricular activates of the school during the session.
  20. Fee will be charged for the transfer certificate only after an application is submitted by the parents before three working days.
  21. The school is not responsible for goods lost it are advisable not to keep valuable like costly watches or pens or ornaments.
  22. Parents are most welcome to share personally or by sending their written suggestion and view for improving teaching techniques and more ever for making the stay of their wards in the school more purposeful.


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